Sunday, February 8, 2009

What's in a Name?

I've told people: I was a Dick when I was a kid. I was a Dick all through high school and college. I was a Dick when I was a magazine editor in Chicago. I was a Dick when I taught a course in Nautical Science for the Jefferson Parish (LA) school system. Then I got a job as captain of a large motor yacht in New Orleans. They didn't like the name Dick, so I became Captain Richard and have been known as Richard ever since. But some people. . .some people will be dicks until the day they die.


  1. Richard,

    I have always known you as Richard. We have been through thick and thin in various parts of the world for many a year.

    Although you have been a dick at times (usually while playing Trivial Pursuit) Richard is by far more apropos.

    Carry on old friend.

  2. I miss those trivial pursuit games, especially playing by "Championship Rules."
